About Us

Oasis Charter

Global Oasis Climate Fund (GOCF)

Oasis Charter

Global Oasis Climate Fund (GOCF)


We, the members of the Global Oasis Climate Fund (GOCF), guided by a deep sense of responsibility toward Earth’s ecology, commit to global environmental protection, sustainable development, and the collective well-being of humanity. We affirm that only through international cooperation, democratic governance, and united action can we effectively address global challenges, including climate change, resource depletion, social inequality, environmental degradation, and security threats.

This Charter establishes GOCF’s core values, governance principles, decision-making mechanisms, and obligations of members to ensure the execution of our shared mission. It further establishes a collective defense framework to safeguard the security, interests, and developmental rights of all members.

We pledge that, in the face of any challenge, GOCF shall stand as a unified, resilient, and indivisible community, providing the strongest possible support for global green development and the security of its members.

Article I: Green Mission

GOCF upholds the “Oasis Principle”, advocating green sustainable development through science, innovation, and global cooperation. Our objectives include:

  1. Environmental Protection: Safeguard global ecosystems by advancing forest restoration, ocean conservation, climate governance, and sustainable agriculture.

  2. Green Economy: Support green technologies, clean energy, carbon neutrality projects, and eco-friendly industries.

  3. Social Justice: Promote environmental equity, assist vulnerable communities in adapting to climate change, and ensure the benefits of green development reach all people.

  4. International Cooperation: Foster multilateral partnerships and policy advocacy to unite governments, businesses, academia, and civil society in addressing global challenges.

Article II: Organizational Principles

  1. Global Nature: GOCF is an international non-governmental organization uniting environmentalists, scientists, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and activists worldwide to advance green development.

  2. Non-Profit Nature: GOCF operates as a non-profit entity, dedicating all funds and resources to environmental causes, social development, and member support.

  3. Independence: GOCF maintains political neutrality and operational independence, free from control by any single government or corporation, while actively collaborating with stakeholders to advance global sustainability.

  4. Action-Oriented: GOCF prioritizes tangible action, including funding support, project implementation, policy research, and global education initiatives.

Article III: Democratic Governance

  1. Consensus-Based Decision-Making: GOCF employs democratic consultation and consensus mechanisms to ensure equal participation in major decisions.

  2. Council Governance: An International Council, elected democratically by members, oversees strategic planning, financial supervision, and organizational management to ensure transparency, fairness, and efficiency.

  3. Member Voting System: Critical decisions, including policies, fund allocation, and projects, require approval by two-thirds of members.

  4. Annual Assembly: Regular global assemblies shall review GOCF’s strategic direction, key projects, and future plans.

Article IV: Rights and Obligations of Members

  1. Environmental Commitment: All members shall adhere to GOCF’s green principles and advance sustainability within their nations or sectors.

  2. Resource Sharing: Members are encouraged to share environmental technologies, research, and policy recommendations to build a global cooperation network.

  3. Mutual Assistance: Members shall collaborate by sharing information, technology, and resources to advance global climate action.

  4. Financial Contribution: Members may support GOCF through donations, investments, or technical partnerships.

Article V: Collective Security Clause

“An attack against one Member shall be considered an attack against all Members of GOCF.”

  1. Principle of Collective Defense:
    • Members pledge that any military, cyber, economic, environmental, or political threat to a Member shall trigger collective defense measures.
    • Hostile acts against GOCF Members will mobilize unified responses to ensure maximum protection and support for the affected Member.

  2. Defense Measures:
    • Political and Diplomatic Support: Mobilize international condemnation and pressure against aggressors.
    • Economic and Technical Aid: Provide funds, technology, and personnel to restore operations.
    • Cybersecurity and Countermeasures: Assist with cyber defense and data protection in case of attacks.
    • Environmental Restoration: Organize ecological recovery efforts if a Member’s ecosystem is harmed.

  3. Joint Action Mechanism:
    • Upon activation of the collective defense clause, the Council shall convene within 24 hours to determine responses.
    • All Members shall contribute according to their capacity to uphold GOCF’s collective security.

Article VI: Termination and Withdrawal

  1. Voluntary Withdrawal: Members may withdraw by providing 30 days’ prior notice to the Council and fulfilling transitional obligations.

  2. Violation and Sanctions: The Council may expel Members violating core principles (e.g., pollution, illegal resource extraction, or hostile acts) and issue public notifications.

  3. Reinstatement: Expelled Members may reapply after remedial actions and majority approval by voting Members.

Article VII: Vision for an Oasis Future

GOCF, guided by this Charter, strives to build a green, equitable, and secure global community. Our mission transcends sustainability—it safeguards the shared security and interests of all Members.

We believe that unity, principled action, and courage are essential to transforming the world in the face of adversity.

Global Oasis Climate Fund (GOCF)