Abstract: This article explores the pathfinding problem of freight robots in
automated warehouses and compares the performance of the Dijkstra
algorithm and the A* algorithm in this regard. Several small warehouses were
simulated using matrixs, and the two algorithms were compared in terms of
running time, node expansion order, memory usage, and path smoothness.
Through experiments, it was found that the A* algorithm outperforms the
Dijkstra algorithm in the question. However, when applied to extremely large
and complex warehouses, it is difficult to find the optimal heuristic, which
becomes the main factor limiting the performance of the A* algorithm. In the
future, more indicators should be added or efforts should be made to let robots
choose algorithms based on actual situations.
Key words: Dijkstra algorithm, A* algorithm, pathfinding problem, automated
1. Introduction
With the development of the modern society, the requirement of building smart
environment like automated warehouses is growing. At the same time, the use
of robotics in all facets of modern life is growing [1]. Therefore, introducing
automatic freight robots in warehouses is a feasible solution to achieve
automated warehouses. As Can Özbaran et al. said that Intelligent mobile
warehouse robots are quickly emerging as a vital component of systems for
storage and retrieval [7]. But how to enable freight robots to find the most
suitable path in the warehouse, so as to transport goods quickly and efficiently,
has become a hot and important issue. In fact, in this question, the key is path
planning. Path planning is the pathfinding issue that enables autonomous robot
obstacle avoidance [2]. The article will explore the use of path planning
algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence to solve the pathfinding problem
for freight robots in warehouses.
2. Methodology
2.1 Literature review and proposed solution
Path planning algorithms are applied to many scenarios of freight robots, for
example, the automated logistics vehicles in Wuhan use path planning
algorithms to find their way; Cainiao, a large logistics provider, uses path
planning algorithms to guide automated transport vehicles in warehouses.
Generally speaking, flexibility, local optimum, and computing complexity
present the biggest challenges for the robot-path-planning problem [5]. There
are many ways for path planning algorithms in the field of artificial intelligence.
For example, Vu Quang Huy et al. believe that genetic algorithms, ant colony,
and firefly algorithms can also be applied to pathfinding problems in this field
[9], Yu Song et al. proposed that the Dijkstra algorithm can be used to solve this
problem [2]. Chunyu Ju et al. believe that A* algorithm and Fast Random Tree
(RRT) are more effective in this problem [3]. For the Dijkstra algorithm, using a
single node as the "source" node, the algorithm determines the shortest path
between two nodes. It then finds the shortest paths from the source to every
other node in the graph, creating a shortest path tree [4]. In order to solve the
single-source shortest path issue optimally, it employs a greedy method [8].
For A* algorithm, Yonlin Huang and Shijie Guo believe that it will be used as the
parent node in path planning first, and the planning algorithm will then find the
next ideal node as the child node. After that, it will be used as the parent node
to identify the next child node, and so on, to define the robot's ultimate walking
path [6].
At the same time, Yoppy Sazaki thinks that A* algorithm is a fast search
algorithm [10].
This article believes that Dijkstra's algorithm or A * algorithm is a feasible
method for solving the routing problem of freight robots in automated
2.2 Experiment design
In the experiment, I use Python to run code on Pycharm and use the networkx
library to load the algorithm of A* search and Dijkstra. Also, the Pytorch library
are used to demonstrate the result likes line graph, bar graph and map. In the
experiment, by creating several small warehouses of different sizes using
random functions and the warehouses will be represented by matrices. In the
warehouses, also added some dead ends and random obstacles to maximize
the restoration of the warehouse situation in reality. Then the experience will
compare the A* algorithm in heuristic algorithms with the Dijkstra algorithm in
greedy algorithms based on node expansion, runtime, memory usage and
smoothness. Smoothness is usually measured by the angle change or
curvature between adjacent points in the path. Simply put, the higher the
smoothness of the path, the smoother the path and the fewer turns during
driving. The lower the smoothness, the more turns the path has. At the same
time, in order to minimize errors caused by factors such as memory allocation,
multiple experiments were conducted for each item in the experiment to
calculate the average.
2.3 Evaluation of Solutions
The results of the experiment are demonstrated in the following:
With figure 3 (left is the expand nodes of A* search, right is Dijkstra), it is clear
that the node expansion of the A* algorithm is smaller than that of the Dijkstra
algorithm, which means that the A* algorithm can better adapt to complex
warehouse environments compared to the Dijkstra algorithm and the node
expansion order of A* algorithm will have a more directional sense, tending to
search towards the target direction, while Dijkstra algorithm will relatively evenly
expand the entire graph.
In figure 4, it is obvious that as the size of the warehouse increases, the running
time of these two algorithms also increases. However, the increase in time
required for the A* algorithm is not significant, while the increase in time
required for the Dijkstra algorithm is significant, and the Dijkstra algorithm
requires much more time than the A* algorithm.
For figure 5, it is clear that the memory size used for A* search is much
smaller than that of Dijkstra's algorithm, and it does not change significantly
with the expansion of the warehouse size.
For Figure 6, we found that the path turning numbers of Dijkstra's algorithm are
smaller than those of A * algorithm, and this is more pronounced with the
increase of warehouse size. This means that in this case, Dijkstra's algorithm
has better path smoothness than A * algorithm.
Overall, in the metrics of this experiment (running time, memory usage, node
expansion order), A* search outperforms the Dijkstra algorithm. In terms of path
smoothness, Dijkstra's algorithm outperforms the A * search algorithm. Under
appropriate heuristics, the A* search algorithm can enable transportation robots
in the warehouse to complete delivery tasks at a lower cost and in a shorter
time, and the advantages of the A* search algorithm will become more apparent
as the warehouse size expands. Hence, A* search algorithm can become the
solution of this problem.
3. Discussion
This experiment objectively compared the performance of the A* search
algorithm in heuristic algorithms and the Dijkstra algorithm in greedy algorithms
in guiding freight robots to find paths in automated warehouses through
theoretical and technical means, in terms of running time, memory usage, node
expansion order, and path smoothness. However, this experiment still has
certain shortcomings in certain aspects. Firstly, in terms of warehouse size, due
to limitations such as equipment, computing resources, and costs, this
experiment can only simulate some small two-dimensional warehouses, the
experimental results may have certain deviations for large and structurally
complex warehouses. Secondly, the number of indicators used in this
experiment is still limited and has not taken into account more real-world factors,
such as friction, the impact of dynamic friction coefficient on freight robots, and
the influence of other external factors such as memory allocation. Furthermore,
the heuristic functions of the A * algorithm in this experiment are all optimal, but
in reality, it is difficult to find a heuristic function that is completely suitable for
the warehouse situation. Therefore, the performance of the A * algorithm in this
experiment may be affected by its performance in a real warehouse.
4. Conclusion
The purpose of this study is to determine which algorithm is more suitable for
path planning of freight robots in automated warehouses by comparing the A *
search algorithm with the Dijkstra algorithm. By simulating and reproducing the
situation of logistics warehouses in reality as much as possible and comparing
four indicators, this study found that in small-scale warehouses, the
performance of the A * algorithm is generally better than that of the Dijkstra
algorithm, but for larger warehouses, the results may be biased. However, in
summary, this study still believes that the A * algorithm is an effective algorithm
for handling robot pathfinding problems in automated warehouses.
This study has contributed to the construction of an increasing number of
automated warehouses. Automated warehouses not only liberate more labor,
but also improve people's quality of life. Choosing appropriate algorithms can
help robots transport goods more efficiently and at a lower cost. In the future,
we will try to compare more indicators or let robots combine these two
algorithms to choose according to the situation.
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